2023 Guide Day Rates Full Day = $650 per guide - One or two anglers, includes lunch Half Day = $500 per guide - One or two anglers, includes light snack Walk Wade Trips can accommodate up to 3 anglers for an additional $100 Due to the limited space available in driftboats, a third angler option is not available for a single guide/rate offering. Trip rates do not include all equipment, though use of some basic gear is available. Generally the guides will require you to purchase terminal gear including leaders, tippets and flies. Rod/reel, wader/shoe rental is available through our fine local shops. Missouri River Trips (Based in Wolf Creek, MT) - $50 additional per day, two day minimum. Two half-days available.
A $100 deposit is required for each guide day booked. Full refund of the $100 deposit is available for cancellations more than 30 days before departure date. If trip is cancelled within 30 days of departure date, no refunds will be given. Full deposit is refunded if the guide cancels for any reason. Cancellations within 24 hours of departure require full trip payment.